What Are The 3 Main Areas Focus?

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Well hello to everyone. This new website will contain information on preparing for retirement, health, and wealth creation, which are the three topics I search for the most in social media

In the first category of health, I will document the journey on maintaining a healthy lifestyle along with links to interesting articles or videos on the subject. Approximately two years ago I eliminated all red meat and poultry from my diet. I now consider myself a pescatarian and believe that the benefits outweigh the occasional cravings for red meat, turkey, and chicken. One definition of a pescatarian diet that I found is:


“…a pescatarian is someone who chooses to eat a vegetarian diet, but who also eats fish and other seafood. It’s a largely plant-based diet of whole grains, nuts, legumes, produce and healthy fats, with seafood playing a key role as a main protein source. Many pescatarians also eat dairy and eggs.” (Kerri-Ann Jennings, 2017)

I do eat meat substitutes and from what I gather, the jury is still out on these products, but they are considered, by most, as a better choice than the meats and poultry they replace.

As I get closer to retirement, my interest has grown in supplementing my monthly income. In other words, when I retire, I don’t want to solely rely on social security as my only source of income. I will present articles on creating multiple streams of income through various methods and I will document the growth on the website; good or bad. I also will investigate Bitcoin, Crypto, NFTs’ and the Metaverse. We will investigate the question of whether it’s too late to jump on the bandwagon and explore some of the best ways to secure, buy, exchange, and grow assets.

I will also document my journey of learning the Spanish language. I have taken Spanish courses many years ago but have never been able to have a conversation with someone who speaks fluent Spanish. My goal is to become a level B2 or upper intermediate by August 1, 2022, and I will show you the methods I’m using to achieve this goal.


Works Cited
Kerri-Ann Jennings, M. R. (2017, March 10). What Is a Pescatarian and What Do They Eat? Retrieved from Healthline: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/pescatarian-diet